Why are we doing this? We both read lots of low-carb blogs, as do you, and you’re wondering what we have to offer.
We began emailing each other about new recipes, motivation, and facts gleaned in our respective low-carb journeys. For us, this is a permanent lifestyle for our families because it’s not merely a method to lose excess body fat – it’s about being the healthiest you were meant to be. Instead of continuing to clutter each others’ email inboxes, we are creating a blog to document and share the joys and challenges of low-carb eating and cooking.
We also like girly girl things, too, so please visit the other blogs we author! (see sidebar)
We assume you’ve read the books and are just looking to hang out with us virtually as we discuss recipes we’ve created and comment on others’ recipes, talk about what’s going on with our bodies on this regimen, and consider the saboteurs we encounter, like my husband who sheepishly buys the good brownies and asks me if I want a bite. Of course I want a bite! But I don’t imbibe in the sweet liqueur of brownies made with processed sugar and wheat flour, and neither should you.
You should also know that we’re in our 40’s and not stick thin. In fact, we’re both tall (Rebekah is the petite one at 5’10”) and have curvy, hourglass figures. Our bodies naturally cling to fatty thighs, hips, and wobbly triceps. We gleefully celebrate losing an inch off our waists and firming up those tri’s in the gym.
We want to celebrate your successes, too, so join our adventure!
Hi Adrienne and Rebekah!
I love your site! I am going to try the chocolate cake recipe in a few weeks!
Please check out our site, thinandthinner.net. My daughter and I are the contributors to it. And, we are also long time low-carbers.
It is great to find some new low-carb sisters!
Kind regards,
Ida (co-author of Thin and Thinner)
Wondering what you guys think of South Beach Diet?
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